Monday, December 28, 2009
Heartfelt night..
I'm coming to the end of my journey here in Korea, arguably the best highlight of my life so far. It's been a bitter sweet journey so far; filled with joy, happiness, amazements, frustrations, and a sprinkle of tears. However, now that everything is coming to an end soon, all I can remember is only the good times.
I sent off CM and LT last night(dawn?). Their last day here was such a memorable ones full of surprises. First, we received so much kindness from unexpected strangers; their Prof. XiaoYong who helped us drag our massive luggages to the post office to ship and only to drag it back when we found out it wasn't open, the bus driver who waited for us, and the Koreans (Dong Geun, Jae Hee, and Chang Geon) who put in so much effort to make their last day enjoyable, especially Dong Geun.
We started off with a lunch of ddakgalbi with DG, JH and CG. DG instantly won the "Best Man of the Day" award by giving out presents to each of us. He even showed off a little of his culinary skills. Lol. After some photo takings, CG have to leave earlier for some reason. The rest of us went to the Cake House Cafe to hang out instead. DG and JH wrote their contacts on post-its and pass it on to everyone. DG was being the dork the entire night. He took a lot of "concept" pictures with each of us and kept asking us to call him oppa. I kept telling him I can't coz I'm like older than him by 6 months. He didn't believe me until I showed him my ID. Haha. We kept writing other nonsense on the post-its and pass it to each other too. I wrote "no oppa aniya" a few times and gave them to DG. But that dork just erase the "ani" part and happily keep them every time i gave him a new one. Ish! Haha. After that we went to noraebang. On our way there, we stopped at the arcade and played the basketball, shooting, drum, and DDR game. JH totally rocked on the DDR. The guys later moved on to playthe "kiap kiap" game also. I told DG if he managed to "kiap" something I'll call him oppa. He got all fired up but alas, nothing was "kiap". So we continued our way to noraebang. Us singing like mad in there. Halfway, DG suddenly grabbed me and cued me to go outside. Once outside, he told me to get my coat and we are going out. For one crazy minute, I thought we are going on a some kind of date (he has a gf!). Turns out he wanna buy a cake to celebrate LT's belated 21st and her last night with CM in Korea. Unluckily, the bakery already closed, so we went to get choco pies and ice-creams as replacement instead and put candles on them. "Surprised" the girls with our makeshift cakes (they already saw it when we were outside putting the candles on) and continued to party the night away. Even the walk back to dorm was a special one. Halfway walking, DG pulled off another surprise when he suddenly went into the convenience store. Turns out he wanna buy hot drinks for all of us to warm us up on our way back to dorm. I told him to not waste his money coz we are too full to drink. The dork gave the best answer of the night; "It's not for drinking. It's for holding to keep you warm". How sweet is this guy? The good time continued- we all talked about our childhood favourite shows. It was another surprise to find out that they too, watched the likes of "Voltron", "Captain Planet", "Ninja Turtles", "Conan", "Pokemon", "Digimon", etc etc. Too soon, we reached our dorm.. The guys left us and went back. We spent the rest of the night helping LT and CM pack. Would've love to have more time to talk about things. I surprised everyone including myself by shedding some tears out of the blue, so unlike myself.. Jae Hee and Dong Geun came back to send them off at 6am at dawn, all the way in the cold freezing night. I cried again before going to sleep. Sent the 2 girls a message asking them to take care. CM called me after that and I swear my tear glands are like a leaky faucet liao. LT messaged me in reply. Finally went to sleep after a while..
It was a beautiful day. However, meeting CG also brought back some unwanted memories. Stuff that I've tossed deep down behind my skull that I thought I've forgotten. Stuff that I prefer to not think of.
Judging by the looks of it, no one is reading this blog anymore except myself. So, here we go. The honest confession finally. What really happened...
I met CG at CM's 21st birthday party. Didn't pay much attention to him until DG and him suddenly pull me n CM away and insisting we share a cab back together to school. The way they behaved was kinda suspicious. Then throughout the drinking session, I started to find him interesting. And I admit that I wished that it was me who was sitting next to him instead. We finally sat next to each other when they started telling ghost stories. I think that was when the chemistry begins. Can't really be put into words. It's the way we talked, looked and reacted to each other.. On our way back, we talked for more and the chemistry deepens. He told me something like different language doesn't really matter in a relationship.
The next morning he messaged and we ended up messaging each other for a bit. By then i think it's officially a crush. So, I spent the rest of the week digging my head for excuses to see him again. From cooking up lame excuse of asking him which cafe has wifi to chatting with him on msn (i swear he's good in sweet-talking), I tried so hard to get him to ask me out. On the several msn chat session, he told me he want a girlfriend but he didn't have anyone right now. Told(mislead) me that he wants a girl who's "172 cm tall, smart and open-minded". Of course I act blur as it doesn't mean anything at all and he continued to pry. He did asked me to his birthday party but LT turned down the invi to his birthday party so I turned him down too coz I thought that's what would be appropriate. And I think that's a wrong move coz that's when everything changed.
Perhaps god has decided He has given me enough chances and I never grab hard enough on them. So He decided to take it all back now.
After his birthday, there's nothing from him anymore. And the prideful me just can't bring myself to message him..So the wait continues, till that faithful Thursday night on the end of November. Where I saw him walking towards my direction, hand-in-hand, with another girl. I even tried to convince myself it wasn't him at first, until we were very close and there's no way to deny that we saw each other anymore. He gave a sheepish grin and waved a little in our direction. Looked kinda guilty and let go of the girl's hand, though I wasn't sure it was intentionally or not fo the girl went to pick up a stray tennis ball. I acted like what the Me will act; like everyone else who saw it. Do the "Eehhh" and gave a little knowing look. I'm not sure what but I just didn't feel good after that. Spent the night moody and being grilled by the other 3 girls who had long guessed that I like him (it wasn't exactly concealable). I denied everything even though I wanna admit them. The ego in me just wouldn't let me do it. It hurts having to lie through the layers of blanket and hurts even more knowing that they know I'm lying. They dropped it after a while though.
I thought that's the end of my humilation. But the real stab came the next day. CG suddenly appeared on msn after MIA for so long. Said hi to me. The rationale said to close the window but the little hope said to hear what he has to say- maybe that girl is nothing like what i think? The little hope wins. I replied hi back. He wasted no time typing " I have a girlfriend now. My love my love my love~~~~". Have the courtesy to asked me whether am I going for the winter workshop or not but waited no seconds for me to reply before telling me that he's to go and went offline.
I deleted him from my account ever since. Coz god knows how many hours I spent staring at the laptop screen and wishing for him to come online the previous week. I couldn't bear to go on being like that anymore, now that he has just broken the wall that I've so painstakingly build for years.
It really hurts to know, that the one time I've decided to let off my guard and give love a chance, that all my determination turns out to be nothing but a foolish wishful dream. It hurts to know that he doesn't even bat an eyelash to turn around and pretend that nothing ever happens. Except that that nothing did really happened...
It hurts that I would still see him at school sometimes. It hurts that I've to put on my sweetest smile and wave when I see him. It hurts when I had to see him when I am with LT/CM and he would over come to talk and I had to act like nothing happened. It hurts when I had to see him with the girl..
Eventually, the pain subsided. I thought it doesn't hurt anymore. I thought it's ok for me to smile and wave when I see him and not hurt at all. I thought it's ok for me to even see him with the girl.
But it's a small world indeed. For I didn't know the Korean in LT's skiing group, Hye Sung, who played games with us, would turn out to be CG's roommate. And how Hye Sung would know my name even though I didn't introduce myself. And how Hye Sung would say that he heard that my Korean is "good" and that I came to Korea because I like Korean dramas (misinformation) despite knowing me for barely 5 minutes. And how Hye Sung would say that he heard all this from his roommate, Chang Geon...
I couldn't describe how I felt back then. It's like all the things that I've been trying to forget just rush back at once. Images of CG showing off our conversation to HS just flashed in my mind. And I remembered that CG did mentioned about his roommate in one of our conversation. And I remembered the rest of the conversation. And I remembered the pain..
Still it was still ok until lunch yesterday. It took a lot for me to remain comfortable and not fidget weirdly. I was glad he left earlier. Coz it was really awkward for me when his around. We took pictures together before he left, just because everyone did so too.
And that's why I felt like such a loser now. For I couldn't helped looking at the pic with him for a long time, staring into his face while all the memories come back, and at the same time still able to notice how he has eye-smile.
SEP in Korea is coming to an end for me. I will take only the good memories with me. Everything shall start anew when I go back to Singapore. God has taught me how it feels to really like someone, even for a short while. For that, I am one step closer to being a complete person.
Grateful for everything that happened in the past 4 months. I shall return with a smile. =)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Of ski, snow, and all things white. =)
Went skiing for the first time in my life. Fell like a 100 million times but it was so much fun! Was able to ski for a bit in the end.
Had some bonding sessions with the Korean and celebrated LT's 21st at the ski resort. It was refreshing from the usual stuff we do. Carol's antics are the bestttttt...
Went for the worst drinking session ever. The 2 girls and guys there only cared about making out. Major yucks...
Went clubbing with Sam, Bri, ZX, and Yi Xian and her friend who came over to visit. It was MAD! 2PM was in the house performing and everyone went ballastics. Haha. Danced the night away like there's no tomorrow...
Christmas dinner of samgyeopsal and padak chicken. It was Albert's last night here. Had some interesting talk over padak and it makes me ponder on things. Things which are not worth pondering that much anyways... Oh, it snowed on our way back. A white Christmas night. Lovely! =)
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Taking random snapshots of the city.
Cycling through the park overlooking Han River. Eye candies at the side will be a plus.

Plugging my music on and dancing under the bridge in the middle of the night.
Or find an open rooftop building overlooking the horizon, pretending the sky to be my stage, and twirling all my forgotten ballet steps on it.
And look out for a mascot with an overturned head on the street.
For he might just romance me with a scene like this.
And reveals himself to be the cute wangja that could only exist on tv screens.
Ok. Maybe not the wangja part.
But what I would love to do the most is this.
Nothing beats the feeling of being at high altitude, feeling the breeze on your face, overlooking the rest of the world below, and yelling out all your worries away.

Seoul is definitely infinitely yours that way.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Irony. Toy me again and I might just burst. BOOOOOOMMM!!!!
I can't believe I'm saying this. But for the first time in a long while, I seriously feel like flying back straight to Malaysia right now. Where the comfort of my bed, mum's cooking, mahjong set, yuek and MUM is awaiting...
Why do you always have to make it so much harder??? I don't even know what you expect from me. Yes. This question is being directed to the higher upper being above who happens to shoot arrows as a part time hobby.
Leave me alone.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Definitely one of his top 3 MVs.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
In a good mood..
The weather has lightened up.
Bought awesome dress.
New episodes of "You're Beautiful".
Binge a lot (ok, i know it's not good but whatever).
Carol is fun to hang out with.
Cleaned my room and did laundry.
Liking my hair more.
Phone call with the sis earlier on.
So happy that I'm skipping down the hallway sometimes.
If only I didn't see him on Saturday, it would be perfect......
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Well I did it. Nearly. Angry that I'm such a coward. Angry that the other party is such a coward. Angry that the project mate's a bugger. Angry that I'm not sure what I'm really angry with. Angry that I turn to food comfort instead.
Just feel very relieve now that my lappie is fine (it crashed earlier tonight).
End Edit
Wondering whether I should make the phone call. Seize the day or live safe? What do I want???
Missing in me..
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Babi Busuk Who Turns 19 Today.

You are the one who I can share my obssesions with. Be it anime, J-drama, K-pop, or food!
the whirl of its path
that twists and turns inside and out
over and over again
Oh dear butterfly
how beautiful are thy
Your hypnotising colours
that mesmerises me
But what is this funny feeling when I watch you fly
Warm and ticklish
over and over again...

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Make up your mind..
Is it really that hard to make a decision?
If it is, then can't you just accept people's decision?
And if you don't can't you come up with something better?
And if no, can't you just REALLY accept people's decision? At least they have one.
I don't know what you want. You don't even know what you want.
So how???????
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Things that goes "Bang!" at night..
CAUTION: Horror ahead. Scroll down at your own risk.
Scary enough? Boo to you if you don't get the oxymoron yet by now.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Is what?
Is getting more irritable too because of the burden felt of being the "da jie". wtbleach.
Is seriously going to cry if no cute Korean guy sweep off the feet before going back to Sg!
Is really going to cry because there's a big possibility no one will be picking her up and therefore will have to lug all the luggages back alone.
Is really going to cry to if have to spent New Year eve alone unpacking those said luggages.
Is really disgusted at how self-centered this post sounds like.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Of tteokbokgi and the fake hot Korean girl.
I was sien-ning and emo-ing a bit because of the sien-ness of the night and lousy dinner earlier. And just as I was about to blog about the sien-ness of the sien things on my mind, my friend suddenly showed me this.
He thought I was Korean!! In what ways do I look like one lor~~
Had no idea he's a blogger back then. Anyway. he exaggerated a lot la. You ppl know it's nearly impossible for me to speak good English (structered and without the "lah's") let alone perfect Queen's English. And I didn't really translated that much for them. Haha. Anyways, it's still funny to see that I became one of the topic of their discussion. Wtbleach..
Anyway, shall save my emo post for next time.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
A first and YG Family loves..
Anyway, YG is the love recently. So sweet. That's the girl from 2Ne1, Park Bom, if you are wondering. The same one who goes "I don't care eh eh eh eh eeee~~". So hot. Taeyang, the 2nd sun. Loves the choreography. =) So the love. Even thought their japanese is weird, it's so good to see them all back again especially Daesung's accident.
Totally loving these styles than GD's "Heartbreaker". Can't wait for the release of Taeyang's "Wedding Dress" now. =)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Irrational sien-ness..
I am probably the person who is the sien-ness ever in this world when they get to go to Jeju Island to play.
Really wanna go Everland and the food tasting session this weekend instead.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Middle-child Syndrome.
I seldom call home, and seldom receive calls from home.
This is the record eversince I came to Korea:
called home -1
calls from home -0
video calls - 1
msn with yue - 2
msn with kling -3
msn with bro - 1
msn with kling's bf - 2
exchanged emails with yue - 2
All these sessions are very short. And I actually talked more to the sis's bf than my own blood-related brother.
Mum says that she misses me the other time I called back. Well, why no contact then?
The only thing I can do is upload as many pictures as I can on Facebook and hope they will somehow take a look at it and knows what I've been up to.
My friends here all noted how independent I appeared to be and is usually the one helping them out- hence, earning me the "Ommo-nim" nickname from them.
What they didn't know is I have to do stuffs like that on my own because I do not know how to ask for help. Just like the other time. They're puzzled why I never shouted or asked for help from any of the guys(friends) when I got harrased to no end by those "chi ko peks" in the jimjilbang. Instead, I saved my own ass from getting molested by getting out of the way, and letting the "chi ko peks" got away with it easy.
This is because I've been brought up like this all my life.
"Any problem? Deal with it yourself."
" Sick? Don't tell me coz you asked for it."
" Tired? I'm even more tired than you are."
" Kena bully/molested? Stupid ar you."
" Dunno how? You are bigger in size and more educated than me. Go figure it out yourself."
So, here's a confession from me. My ultimate weakness is I do not know how to ask for help.
Is this a middle-child syndrome?
Kinda wish I wasn't born such a big girl...
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Chuseok weekend.
And besides that, I'm glad that it's not bothering me so much anymore now. You know how when we get closer to someone the chemistry will get further instead? That's exactly what happened.
Jumping on the bandwagon at the very last minute doesn't seems like a very bad choice now. =)
P/S: I love the adrenaline rush of being at high altitude.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Obviously I'm so disturbed. And turning into a stalker soon.
Think straight think straight think straight think straight think straight.
Don't talk to me. Don't look at me. Don't even come near me.
May I forget everything. Nothing is going to happen. Everything is going to be fine.
Stupid cupid stop picking on me.
What did I do wrong???
If only one can rips out ones brain and wash away the unwanted contents in it.
Stop it stop it stop it stop it stop it.
Why me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright. I lost. Ok. I do. So what?
But it's not going to work anyway. So don't even think about it.
What now? You got split personality or something? You are literally talking to yourself using the second-man reference. Oh no. Siao?
Not really. Just got to get it off my chest.
Sleep girl sleep. Get up tomorrow and run and forget all about it.
The missing thing in my life...
Monday, September 28, 2009
The echoes in my head.
So now, it's quite awkward awkward awkward awkward.
I should really just study study study study.
And maybe play a little.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Random and confusing thoughts.
Been to concert, drinking, norae-ing and stuffs. Found out best way to cure a hangover is to go running.
However, I couldn't help but think only of it for now. I'm pretty sure you all can guess what.
Yes. When it comes to the matter of heart, I'm a helpless idiot. Completely clueless. So the best way to handle it? Ignore it. Ignorant is bliss.
But then, there is only so much a person can act blur and ignore. The signals are confusing. I hate it. It was nearly deja vu all over again.
I only want a rich oppa. Preferably some mafia big bro type. To go with the lao-da type Yue wants also.
Missing the little sis a bit~~~
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Big Bang Bangs.
I'm glad to be reminded of this today at the ASF, despite their short performance and Daesung's absence.
Totally made my day, perhaps even my stay in Korea. Wish they don't have to go to Japan though...

P/S: And just because this guy definitely can do with some love.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Firsts (Part 1).
Anyways, here it goes.
I've experinced many firsts ever since coming to Korea. First time on a plane, first time living in a country where I could barely speaks it's language, first time eating samgyupsal and drinkin soju just to name a few obvious ones. However it's the more bizarre ones (at least to me) that I'm going to blog about.
1. K-Pop Culture.
I love this. The Koreans are really taking their celebs seriously. With the latest craze of K-pop groups(especially girl groups), the Koreans are lapping up every single song that the artistes dish up (which are usually mad catchy complete with equally addictive dance choreography) happily. Anyone will at least know the basic steps to any of the songs that are overplayed on the radio at streets this days. The companies who are quick to realise the bankability market of this situation, of course wasted no time to get these celebs to endorse their products. Clothes, skincare, food, cars, electronics, etc. And these endorsements are usually incomplete without a life-size huge-ass mortar board and posters of the celebs themselves in front of the store.
Poor guy had recently involved in a serious car accident and is currently recuperating at home. So, the least a fangirl can do is showing her love by dropping by eating the fried chicken he endorses. Yumm.
Lee Hongki of FT Island for Bavi Phat (skincare). You could see Beyonce's poster somewhere behind him in this pic. This store aims higher by going for double celebrity endorsements. I kinda like their products anyway.
There are still more and more familiar faces everywhere you go around in Korea but I din take much of the pics because the inner fangirl in me still hasn't come out of the closet yet. So, I couldn't be too obvious la...
2. The Destroyer.
This happened last Saturday. I broke the ceiling fan in my room with my bare fingers. How cool is that?! Don't panic. My fingers are still intact and fine despite several minor cuts on them. But the same couldn't be said to the fan as it ceased to function completely.
This is how it happened. Stretching. Ok la. Maybe I jumped a little too. Damn those low ceilings...
The broken fan. It gave a violent wobble threatening to fall off the ceiling if you turn it on.
I was more worried about my roomie finding out than my bleeding fingers at that point of time. After some frantic sign languages and mixed languages of explaination to the ahjussi below, he got someone to check it out. Alas, the thing could only be fixed on Monday morning coz they need to change the entire thing. Needless to say, the roomie wasn't pleased to find out that she has to live with 2 days without fan. Couldn't stop grumbling about it. What a bitch. I mean what the bleach..
The drama doesn't end here. Remember ahjussi said they'll fix it on Monday morning? Problem is they never exactly said what time. They came around 9am when I was still sleeping. The roomie went out earlier so the door wasn't locked. All I could remember is some fumbling sound outside the room and the next thing I know the door flew open to some exclaimations of "Ohmo!" (OMG!). Yes, they never even knock on the door first. And there was I, laying spread eagle on the bed for a lady(who opened the door) and two other guys to see.
As if, that wasn't humiliating enough. In my groggy state of just being awakened up so unceremoniously, the lady told me I've to get out of my room that instant because they need to change the fan. I said "Ok, but gimme 10 min?" but the lady said "No, you must come out now". WTB. I wasn't even wearing my bra then! Can anyone say rude?
So, I've no choice but to quickly grab some toiletries to wash up while they work on the fan. The whole process only took about 10 min. They left before I got back but when I got back to my room, it was locked. WTB again. Gah. Have to run after the lady to unlock it for me.
And if you think that is drama enough, the horrible morning still continues after that. On my way to school, I saw my roomie walking back with another friend. And when we are approaching each other:
Roomie: Do you know what you did this morning?
Me: What? Oh, the fan got changed already.
Roomie: You sit up on the bed and yelled "Everland!! Bookshop!".
Me: @_@.
Needless to say, everyone knew what I did that morning thanks to her. I was actually the last one to find out. WTB. I didn't even know I speak English in my dreams. Usually it was just some gibberish mutterings in an unknown language when I got too tired the night before. Gah!
What a great morning huh?
Stay tuned for an even more exciting Part 2 where alcohol and nudity are involved!
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Princess Syndrome..
Just because you are born with a comfortable life doesn't mean others are too.
Just because you don't think something is important doesn't mean others think so too.
Just because something is not yours doesn't mean you can trash it around like useless garbage.
Especially when that something belongs to someone else who values it a lot and is kind enough to lend it to you, even when you did not bother to find out who the owner is and thank that person.
Just because you are some kind of princess where you come from doesn't mean you can act like one here.
I'm so upset now.
And for your information, that's my favourite cardigan from Topshop which I bought with my hard-earned money using literally my own hands. It may not costs a lot but it means a lot to me. And I happened to like it a lot because it fits me so well I don't mind wearing it everyday.
I really really hate dealing with stuck-up treat-me-like-a-princess-gu niangs.
It's You.
But for now, here's something for you all.
I'm usually not one who's into emo lovey-dovey break-up songs. And definitely not Super Junior ghey songs. Except for the mad-addictive Sorry Sorry's hand-rub and shoe-wipe dance.
But somehow this is different. I'm feeling it more the more I listened to it. The kind of feel only Jay Chou's emo songs can make me feel.
It sure is tough to stand out in a big group of 13 pretty guys.

But this one totally got my heart.

One line of amazing vocal at the chorus part and I'm sold. Doesn't help too that he's kinda cute. Such a cheap whore I am.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Inside room 415..
But I'm sitting here in my neighbour's room, with four of us, each doing our own stuffs on our own lappies, and they are all chatting with someone on webcam except me.
And that makes me wonder. 55 people online on my msn list. But how many do I really actually chat too? Not even friends from hall whom I used to be so close with. And the sis's can't be seen online anywhere for days.
And I couldn't help but feel, life is great and happening, but it is kind of sad when there's no loved one to share it with...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
First week in Korea
Anyway, here's a quick summary of what have happened over the past few days in Korea.
Day 1:
Air-sickness. I don't know whether any of you know about this, but it is my first time taking the airplane. And let's just say there are some barfing action involved and it's not a nice experience. Thank god Vannesa had some motion-sickness medicine with her. The rest of the day is spent on grocery shopping and tidying up that day. Got our first taste of language-handicap and the spiciness of Korean food.
Day 2:
Shopping at Myeongdong. It is still by far my favourite place to shop. Will definitely go back there again.
Day 3:
Shopping at Dongdaemun. Went to Gangnam to shop at first, coz we heard that there is a "paradise" there, but couldn't find the place. So, left after getting some toast from Isaac as our lunch. Yummy~~
Dongdaemun has seriously lots of stuffs to offer. But enclosed within a building so small for so many stalls and goods, my claustrauphobic-ness kicks in. The shopkeepers will tend to overcharge you too if you don't know how to bargain. This shoe I bought was quoted at 40 000 won initially before I "sha jia" to 13 000 won!
What the bleach lor...
There was a dance battle going on outside where they just randomly asked people from the street to come onstage and dance to some K-pop songs. Very interesting and the inner K-pop fangirl is being kept happy.
Day 4:
Shopping again at the vicinity of Hongik University. Planned to go sight-seeing at some palace at first. But then the other gang "jio-ed" us to go Hongik. We changed our plan coz we were too paiseh to reject them again after so many times. Hongik turns out to be a very interesting place with lots of quirky little shops and cafes. But the stuff not so cheap there la...
Day 5:
Too tired to go out after so many continuous days out from day to near mid-night. Nua at dorm and finally went grocery shopping to get all the other important stuffs which we missed out during our first trip.
Day 6:
Alien registration. Yeah, that's literally what they called the foreign registration stuff in Korea. Unfriendly huh? Anyway, one of our mentor, Sung-ni, brought us there and guided us through it. Thank god she's around. The journey there is bloody long and the wait for the queue is even longer. After the registration she took us to this jumbo bookstore, Kyobo, which has plentiful amount of cute and nice stationary. I'm usually not a stationary person but will definitely go back there to get more souvenirs. Chatted a lot with Sung-ni throughout the journey and wait. It's really fun and I really wanna meet more Koreans. Lesson faster start la~~~
Day 7:
Sight-seeing at Changdeokgong. Pretty. Really pretty. No wonder it is recognised by UNESCO as a world heritage place. Too bad the guided tour is in Korean and we didn't managed to take as many photos as we want to. And it was freaking hot today too. I think I got tanned after the trip..
Went to Insa-dong after that. Lots of folk handicrafts. Again, unique and pretty, but not something I'll be willing to spent so much on.
There's this really nice building there.
And we left our ink there.
I don't usually do this but since a lot of you have been saying that I look like Korean, here's a pic of me selca(short for self-cam, Korean slang), Korean style.
Bare-face with completely no make-up. Big nose and pimple scars included.
So, what do you think? I personally don't think I look like one. Wait till I show you more pics of the real Koreans here.
Oh, you can't see it but I absolutely love the pink shirt I'm wearing in that pic! It's a loose wide collar shirt with a HUGE pic of the 3 infamous chipmunks (Alvin, Simon, Theodore) in black on it. Cost only 2000 won(SGD 3)!. Absolutely love. Only regret is not getting more. Will show a pic of it next time.