Tuesday, March 31, 2009
We all die in the end. So why bother?
We all die in the end so why bother trying so hard to please others?
We all die in the end so why bother doing something we really don't like?
We all die in the end so why bother being living up to others standards?
Kita semua mati juga akhirnya. Buat apa kisah?
Sidenote: I've been asking a lot of "Why"'s lately. Maybe that tortoise IQ professor should just pass his place to me.
The full impact of over-indulgence of slacking ...
AND WHY ON EARTH IS IT 300 -50??????????!!!!!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Doshite? Kenapa? Wei shen me? Wuey? WHY???
Why did I fall in love with you.
When your love is in the ice.
Why? WHY? WAIIIIIIIII??????????????
Once again, I'm in trouble.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Blissful wishing
And sadly, such bliss isn't for us mere mortal to enjoy.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Run and running shoes.
Ran with the old nike shoes instead of the new one. So uncomfortable.
I know this has been a while but I realise I haven't write a post about my shoes which got stolen case. Stupid thief I hope you lost all your shoes in the future. You shall be forgiven though if you would kindly return me the shoes to where it is supposed to be. Preferably in the same condition that you took it before.
Shit. Like the hole in my pocket is not big anough already. Getting a new pair of running shoes will cost a bomb le, considering that I can't just fit into any normal shoes and run. Last time I did that both the toenails at my big toes fell off. How disgusting.
Gimme back my shoes!!!!!!!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
In the still of the night..
Perhaps that's what Li Bai felt when he composed the "chuang qian ming yue guang" poem.
Hall is nice. But it gets a bit dull after a while, and almost everyone has this tired look on their face, smiling only out of courtesy. The pretentious air can be a bit overwhelming sometimes.
I miss home.
Home is like an escapade for me from all the craps I've to endure here. No matter how much mum nags or yuek rolls her eyes at me, I felt at ease everytime I'm home . Because home is a place where I truly felt the sense of belonging. Where I can cuddle with mum for comfort and bully yuek for entertainment. Or recently, a round of mahjong for "family bonding".
I wanna go home la~~~
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The idol thing.
Since we are in the hot topic of Kim Hyun Joong, here's just something I wanna share. I first saw this guy in the variety show "We Got Married" (thanks to cw). He's funny and all with his trade-mark 4-D personality. But this guy keeps reminding me of a lot of other celebrities. Judge for yourself.
Round 1: Yamapi vs Hyun Joong

Hyun Joong kinda looks like Yamapi in his younger days, when the latter still had that bleached-beng-hair and the silly-akira-personality. I'm glad yamapi lost that and matured properly into a gentleman now. =)
Round 2: Akanishi Jin vs Hyun Joong

Another pretty JE boy. Not only does their facial features look alike, their personalities share similar resemblance too. Both of them cracks me up with their funny one-liners said with straight face. Pity though the same couldn't be said about Jin's singing. I never knew boybands could sing until I first heard Hyun Joong and his bandmates sing in one of the episodes n "We Got Married".
Round 3: Bae Yong Joon vs Hyun Joong
Tadaa!! Who else but the king of K-drama itself. Yes, the guy who melted all the obba-sans' hearts in Winter Sonata. Bae Yong Joon is actually the first guy who I thought Hyung Joon looks like. It seems too Hyung Joon is well on his way to the stardom path that Bae Yong Joon had gloriously rode before; spreading his fame to Japan and the rest of Asia. What with his new drama Kkobotda Namja (the remake of Meteor Garden and Hana Yori Dango). Let's hope Hyung Joon won't look like Bae Yong Joon in 10 years time though. No offence but go google current pics of Bae Yong Joon and you'll know what I mean.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The KHJ phenomenon
Scene 1: Before group project meeting, 10am.
Me: *sitting quietly on the chair*
CW: *rushing over to meet me*
Me: Hey yo.
CW: YES!!!!! Yes yes yes!!!
Me: What?
CW:I've finally dreamt of him!!! =D *jumps around excitedly with little fist-pumped-in-the-air gestures*
Scene 2: During meeting, 11+am
JN: *points to CW* She's such an honorable woman! (refering to CW's long-distance relationship with her bf)
Me: Yeah, until she would only cheat on her bf in her dreams.
CW: No leh, I didn't. It's KJH who fell in love with me hor. (refering to the earlier dream)
Me: -____-""""
Scene 3: During lecture break, 10am
CW: *looks very sad*. I am very sad.
MC & I: Har, what happened??
CW: KHJ is going to US for 6 months for dance training!
Me: Yeah, I know that already. It's good what.
CW: But I won't get to meet him then in Korea!!
Me: Not like you confirm will if he doesn't go.
CW: But I'll be happy just to know that he's near me!! And I already planned to join his fanclub le.
Me: .................................
Scene 4: MSN chat, 4.30pm
CW: Hey, your campus is near KHJ's campus le!!
Me: Huh?? What campus??
CW: Ansan la.
Me: I know Ansan is my campus. I mean he in what campus still studying mer??
CW: K--------. Nola. His campus last time.
Me: -_-"
Me: Last time ma. No use.
CW: I know. But I feel happy just to be somewhere near the place that he's familiar with.
Me: ...................................... Ok .
Interesting. Can't wait till he throws a concert or meet-the-fan session here somewhere near the future? It would be even more interesting to see CW's reaction. Scream??Victory dance? Faints?? Or perhaps her mood will be so good that she'll even buy me anything i want. Hehe.
You hear that, Kim Hyun Joong-ssi?? Or his uncle's-brother's-friend's-second cousin's-3rd child's-primary school-mate's-sister?
What? Who knows someone like that will stumble upon this and tell him.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Just because it feels like so..
I thought Rick(the one being pushed around) is the father at first though. Seeing the video reminds me a lot of dad; what I couldn't do for him and what I could've done for him.
The ordeal was rather embarassing though since the roomie's in the room now. So she must've been shocked to see me like that suddenly, but didn't say anything which I'm grateful for.
The emotional high and low I went through for the past few weeks is quite overwhelming now that I think of it. People who really knows me will know that I'm usually indifferent to things, especially at the teary department. Very few things will actually being me down to tears.
The fact that this happened after a fun-filled visit by Mich and Jac is rather puzzling too. Shouldn't I be feeling more cheerful instead?
Which means only one thing.
It's time to get my emotions under check.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Buey Song.
So now they switched me to another group. Without informing first.
So I came not prepared, and requested to go back and learn my parts first since it's no point i stay there also.
So she doesn't seemed that happy. Even when I've promised to learn my part by Thursday.
But what about me? Are you respecting me by telling me this last minute? And without consulting me first? WTF!
The worst thing is She is there. Not that I want to be mean but her pitching sucks. No way I can work well with someone like that. Gahhh!!! You don't know how much I just want to avoid being in the same group with her!!!!!!!!
What a pain.