It's been a while since I update. Besides being occupied with internship that I hardly have enough time to go online now, my mind is completely occupied by something (or should I say someone?) else.
Meet my new obessesion

Lee Donghae from Super Junior.
Well, technically I'm still obssessed with the entire Super Junior. But recently this Fishy just somehow managed to charm his way into my heart (Gah! see how he's even making me say all this mushy stuff now??!) even though he's usually not in the main spot light.
And we all know Kyuhyun used to be on top of my list, until I saw videos of Kibum. Then that man-whore Leeteuk seduces me with his dimple. Then I ease my guilt for being such a flutter heart by making a list of top 5. And it went like this:
1. Kibum
Donghae was like somehow there just to round up my list of top 5. I never gave him much thought until recently where it's suddenly
2. Kyuhyun, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, Kibum
I've no idea how. Might be the adorable puppy eyes, or the toothy grins, or the cheesy "亲爱的宝贝们" he said whenever he's promoting for SJM, or even this short but hillarious video where he got prank. His sleeping form right before he got splashed is just so *angelic*. (melts a little)
Gah! I feel like a squeaky 14-year-old teenage fangirl now! What's wrong with me?!