This is the only pic I could take of the casino without risking being removed by the security
Taken with Kling(hastily) inside the casino. Free-flow of coffee, tea and milo available.
I was 12 the previous time I've been to Genting before this. Now, I'm 21, a whole nine years before I went there again. A lot of things have changed from what I'd remembered Genting to be. Before, the tourist were mainly local chinese families with small children and a few ang moh's. Now, it's FREAKING full of the other races in Malaysia and the Lala's (Bengs and Lians), the latter all dressed up in gears so colourful it makes you wonder whether you're at the Art Attack Festival instead.
The service has also seriously downgraded(rude malays *ahem ahem*) so much. We waited in line for the go-kart for more than 90 minutes just to have the go while the bloody staff took their own sweet time to so-called sembahyang. I'm not saying that they shouldn't go, but can take turns? There were so many of you but you just have to go together without even informing the poor visitors waiting in vain? And must you SWAYED so ever slowly back to your duty after that? Bloody people don't deserve their pay. Oh yeah, we also went on the Corkscrew ride, me and Yuek on the very first seat. Came down with a-little-wet-eyes and sore throat while Yuek turned an interesting shade of green which the Incredible Hulk would be jealous of, Priceless!!
And the air!!! Whatever happened to the cool and fresh air outside which is Genting's main attraction?? It's bloody smoke EVERYWHERE!! Walao. Inconsiderate smokers. Smoking literally everywhere, especially while waiting in-lines for the rides. There's small children there for goodness sake. And it's not like they'll be done with just one puff. Most irritating part is when another smoker decides to join in the fun and started yet another round of puffs. Other people pay for their vacation to be surrounded with smoke isit??? Hope you get lung cancer you yellow-teeth suckers!!
Even the herbal tea eggs have changed. They used to be bigger with the shell intact.
The stall selling the eggs near the temple area near the Lim Goh Tong's Memorial Residence, a bit down from the peak . I can't remember the area's name.
The temple area had a rather serene atmosphere compared to the rowdy scenes at the peak up there, aided by the drizzle earlier before we arrived. Mum and Yuek went around exploring while Kling and I sat around waiting for them because her ankle hurted from an earlier sprain and I hate walking on wet ground in my slippers, doing well on my path to bimbo-ness. Hehe.
While waiting for them, I kept the shutter bug in me happy by snapping away at random objects and views using my 3.2mp SE K770i. I so need to get a proper camera.
The serene view I was talking about. Somehow it's just so dream-like and calming.
Rows of lantern decos even though it was still 2 months away from CNY.
This explains the gradient nail-colour I have on my feet now.
So cute I couldn't resist snapping of photo of them.
Which reminded me of a pic I took some time ago on yet another trip.Anyone remember this? Mum calls her the "Cameron Bao Bao".
I think I've developed a weird interest of snapping pics of random babies on my trips.
When mum and Yuek finally appeared, Yuek grumbled at what lousy pics my mum took and so, they proceeded to drag me along with their exploring again just to make me their photographer . Oh, how I feel the love.*rolls eye*.
Happy that they have a decent photographer with them.
Kling decided to join us later despite her ankle because she's too bored from waiting for us. That's her 2nd round of herbal eggs.
Some other pics I took up there. I love the pagoda pic. The sun was shining just so nicely at the peak. If only I had a better camera with me. Ggrrrrr.....
Surprisingly I enjoyed the brief time down here more than the "happening" scenes up there. I wouldn't mind spending my vacations in a slow pace like this at all. Perhaps I really am an old soul inside. -__-".
One last thing.
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