Sunday, February 15, 2009

Floods of memories...

Him: The game's tomorrow. Come down and support us?
Me: Hmmm..I'd love to but there's a meeting at night and I've got tons to do lar. You jiayou
then, ok?
Him: Aww..You come down to support then I can jiayou more lah~~
Me: *blink blink, smile stupidly*.. Err...yeah.

"You come down to support then I can jiayou more lah."

The sentence brought back a flood of memories in my head. It was like being transported back in time. I could even see what shade of blue the sky was that day. That was why I was completely stunned and could only came out with such a retarded reply.

That's exactly what The He had said to me once. I went. And he did gave his all in the game; scoring again and again, grabbing all the limelights out of his counterparts. I saw the looks he gave me everytime he scored, and knew he did "jiayou more". I showed nothing on the outside, but inside i was all fluttery. It was very difficult to keep a straight face.

Too bad, that's only as good as things got; a series of heartache followed. It's still painful for me sometimes. Innocent words like that trigger memories I'm trying so hard to forget.

Back to present. I told Him I'm not going at the end. I did have loads to work on. I hope they'll win though.

Why am I writing this again when I have loads to work on?

p/s: Him is not who you think he is. Him is just a very normal friend I've only just gotten to know recently.

Update: They lost, at the last moment. Him is sad. We talked. Too bad. No finals then. =(

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