Thursday, June 25, 2009
Chillin' at night..
Not a big fan of Super Junior. But I've gotta give credit to the boys for doing such a nice job covering that song.
The SNSD girls answered with their own version of "Sorry Sorry" which is rather good too.
And when the two of them combine, they produce amazing performance like this.
Perfect for the soul before ending the night.
Now if only anyone knows such a place to chill out at night. Nice music, nice ambience, a nice drink to sip, and preferably with a cute companion. That'll be really perfect. =)
Monday, June 22, 2009
At work..
"You have very nice skin."
And I have panda eyes and pimples popping here and there because I did not sleep well last night (bloody hot!).
This Malay Lady at work rock lah.
I must find out her name. Hehe.
P/S: I secretly ogled at Cute-Guy J when he came today. Hid behind the counter because I looked too much a mess to go say hi. >__<
Sunday, June 21, 2009
After the afternoon..
We did a lot over the weekend. But what I enjoyed most, besides the numerous purchase that were made on my retail therapy, is surprisingly when we did nothing at all except talk talk and talk over a cup of bubble tea this afternoon. And by talk I seriously mean TALK, not the kind of yak yak yak that we usually do on gatherings. Topics that were covered ranges from stuffs from our daily lives to religions and (surprise surprise!)sexuality. I must say I made some interesting discoveries today *wink wink*.
Talking about the good old days made me misses a lot of things.
I miss Yi Ling.
Those chat sessions on trivial things like American Idol and other more serious stuffs we had in the car on our way to tuitions. Those are the few rare moments where Yi Ling truly got to express what she wanted to.
I miss Boo.
Those times when we sit together in classes and me ranting like mad to her, and she listened ever so patiently. Those are the only moments where I truly got to express what I wanted to.
I miss Chareli.
Seet oh dear seet. What would've I done without you, my partner in crime. You are the only one who would entertain my crazy ideas and fool around with me, cheering me up more than you ever could've known. The fun stuffs we did are too long to be listed. I would've been a sad sad girl without you around. On a random note, I think of you everytime I see a koi fish pond. LOL!
I miss Karen.
Though we don't talk too much. But those moments-when we both are quiet while others are yakking away(because we are either uninterested or don't get it), and then we'll both look at each other with the same expression that reads "I'm bored", and started our own conversation instead-are priceless. Besides, you are the one to go to when it comes to "girly" stuffs like boys and fashion.
I miss Vi Vian.
The kind kind friend. Who sit through boring add math and physics tuitions with me. Who helped explained to me when I don't get it because I was so busy daydreaming away. Who takes the trouble of sending me home after tuition because she and her father are worried about me cycling home alone at night. Who I regretted not being nicer to.
I miss Shi Hui.
My dear Chua-key. Although we weren't very close to each other, but you are the most sincere and friendliest girl I know. I still remember very clearly how we first met; Moral lesson during Standard 2. I could replay the scene like a video in my head if I want to. And how you had cared so much when I was down, even when you are half-way around the globe away in Bristol.
I miss Ee Theng.
In Form 6. Where she would be the first to notice something wrong, and rushed to my side, when I was struck by the Emo-Cloud.
I've always thought that I had little friends in my school days. Where I was a third wheel that everyone would somehow forgot. But the talk with Airin, CW and Mich these afternoon finally made me "see" the lovings I've received from you girls all these years.
The girls have complained how they are scared to read my blog because it's too emo. Well, I hope this doesn't count as an emo post.
I'm going to bed tonight smiling, after counting the blessings that I have received.
And tomorrow will be a long long day..
P/S: there's no category for Airin, CW snd Mich because those are people that I damn missed. But that doesn't mean I love you girls any less. You girls rocked my day. =)
Thursday, June 18, 2009
What Waffle?
Rubbery, not warm enough, not enough kaya, not crispy enough.....
That single piece of crap costed me $0.90, some serious calorie-allowance, and a pending session of running, sit-ups, squats, and bench-presses .
I need some serious retail therapy.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Let's talk about $$$$
I, for one, absolutely loathes it whenever I hear/read that phrase.
This is because although it is true to a certain extent, unfortunately, it's always true that without money, unhappiness follows.
People who often said that money isn't everything and similar stuffs obviously did not live through live where survival comes before desire, expectation scaled higher than individuality, and blending in is harder than solitude.
People who often said that should just give me (all!) their money, and perhaps then they would understand what I mean.
I should just be ruthless enough to ditch whatever kindness that they have shown me and go to those who offerred a more promising future.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Inner Creatures..
Ugh! What have I done?
I bought a packet of chesse and floss bread this morning, that kind that have 4 long buns in it. So I told myself it'll be my breakfast and lunch since I blow my budget of the day on it.
Come lunch, I finished the entire packet in the lounging area of the library. It was satisfyingly good and my tummy felt a bit full. However, I think the Binge Monster decided to strike again and planted this little idea in my head.
"Go get a waffle. Go get a waffle."
And just like that, I found my feet dragging themselves towards the canteen area, instead of surfing the net in the library like I originally planned to.
The Diet Buddy and Money Lover did tried to argue to get a piece of fruit instead. But the Binge Monster squash them flat with its fat-ass and kept them quiet.
And in a blink of an eye, I've finished the entire slab of waffle too. Was totally stunned.
My stomach feels sickeningly full now as I type this post. My promise to run has been broken for 2 days. Will I succeed today?
Oh wait, what's that I hear?
"Pig out in front of the tele. Pig out in front of the tele."
Oh, pardon me for that interuption. Allow me to introduce Lazy-Bum. He's best buddy with the Binge Monster.
Don't you just love those two??
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Latest Haircut.
Random: I love that cute jumper. =)
And Ta-Da! The subject of all the bitchings.
Couldn't manage a decent smile as much as I want to.
See the the hole on near my right neck? That's the result of KHJW's exessive thining. You can act see the uneven-ness of the whole right side of my hair. The fringe was a lot worse before I fixed it to what it looks like now. So, please at least tell me the fringe looks good. >__<
Trust me when I say it looks a lot worse in real life. It took me hours to make that hair looks it best before I took this picture.
Closer view of the "Holes". It somewhat looks like a squirrel's tail to me here.
I met up with Mich last week. She commented (not the good kind) on the uneven-ness and the "Holes" in my hair too. It should be noted though said girl refrained from commenting until I mentioned I had a haircut.
Mum kept telling me it looks no different from before I got it cut. Well, that's only because that stupid brain of a hair-cutter does not understand that I want shorter length and not lesser volume. I actually snip a bit off the length out of irritation caused by Mum's constant nagging.
So, I spent RM18 and 30 minutes to get my hair savaged into a furry and uneven version of my old hair. Dang.
Now I couldn't even get the bob I wanted originally since that son-of-a-bleach left me with not much margin of a hair to be cut again.
Sighs~~Please let it grow before mid-August?
The moral of the story? Never leave the fate of your hair in the hands of a newbie KHJW... Nevermind that. Just DON'T ever step into Equal EVER again.
They should put this picture on their window display though.

Micky's hairstylist and KHJW will make good buddies.
At least though crazy fangirls of Micky Yoochun would love to patronage their shop.
I wonder what happened to Micky's hairstylist though...
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Neither here nor there..
Thinking about things hurts my brain.
I couldn't sort things out.
I couldn't decide.
I don't know what to do.
I'm confused.
I'm lost.
I'm alive. He's dead. But you are no where in between. What a joke heaven plays on us.
Point me a way..
Monday, June 1, 2009
The Saga Continues (Part 2)..
What could've happened now? Nothing could be worse right?
Well, that's exactly what Airin said to me last night. "Just when you thought nothing could be worse than this..".
And well, something worse did happened. I crashed my mum's car into a pole. While trying to do a simple reverse parking. With lots of huge-ass spaces available at both sides.
It's official. I'm a horrible person.
Horrible at driving.
Horrible at cooking (despite having a superb cook of mum).
Horrible at piano (despite being an 8th-grader).
Horrible at singing (despite being in the choir team for years).
Horrible at sports (despite having this built).
Horrible at tech-y and gadget stuffs.
Horrible at work.
Horrible at study.
Horrible at getting myself a decent haircut (heck!).
The list goes on and on.
And worst still, I'm a horrible friend. I gossiped behind a friend's back. To other friends.
Maybe I should make an appearance in "Gossip Girl" or "Mean Girls". I bet I wouldn't be so horrible at gossiping and bitching.
More feathers to add to that hideous cap now:
When I turned 22, I got myself an ugly haircut and crashed my mum's car into a pole. And I finally see what a horrible person I am.
Someone stab me with a fork already.