Random: I love that cute jumper. =)
And Ta-Da! The subject of all the bitchings.
Couldn't manage a decent smile as much as I want to.
See the the hole on near my right neck? That's the result of KHJW's exessive thining. You can act see the uneven-ness of the whole right side of my hair. The fringe was a lot worse before I fixed it to what it looks like now. So, please at least tell me the fringe looks good. >__<
Trust me when I say it looks a lot worse in real life. It took me hours to make that hair looks it best before I took this picture.
Closer view of the "Holes". It somewhat looks like a squirrel's tail to me here.
I met up with Mich last week. She commented (not the good kind) on the uneven-ness and the "Holes" in my hair too. It should be noted though said girl refrained from commenting until I mentioned I had a haircut.
Mum kept telling me it looks no different from before I got it cut. Well, that's only because that stupid brain of a hair-cutter does not understand that I want shorter length and not lesser volume. I actually snip a bit off the length out of irritation caused by Mum's constant nagging.
So, I spent RM18 and 30 minutes to get my hair savaged into a furry and uneven version of my old hair. Dang.
Now I couldn't even get the bob I wanted originally since that son-of-a-bleach left me with not much margin of a hair to be cut again.
Sighs~~Please let it grow before mid-August?
The moral of the story? Never leave the fate of your hair in the hands of a newbie KHJW... Nevermind that. Just DON'T ever step into Equal EVER again.
They should put this picture on their window display though.

Micky's hairstylist and KHJW will make good buddies.
At least though crazy fangirls of Micky Yoochun would love to patronage their shop.
I wonder what happened to Micky's hairstylist though...
kai xin...
your hair is so long dy...
hair will grow very soon...
don't worry... :D
i like ur fringe:)
your fringe is good
no worries
seriously, it isn't as bad as your made it out to be. hahahahaha.
you look rather cute actually.
a cute lala. HAHA! xD
equal again? DAMN.
it's not really that lala
I look more lala in real life. I put great efforts in making that hair not looking so lala.
Haha. Thanks for the compliment on the fringe. Maybe I should consider becoming a hairstylist instead of the boring building stuffs i'm doing right now. Could've kicked all those stupid "hair-cutters" ass with no sweat. Lol!
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