Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Fishy, oh fishy..

I thought that it is almost time I should be over nemology by now, since i got sidetracked by many other..err..."distractions" along the way.

Distraction 2. So freaking pinchable cheeks!

Distraction 3
. WTH, right? But would you just look at the gorgeous face? And those legs, oh god.. *heaven*

But every time the face or name of the fishy flashed by somewhere on the flat screen, I would get so excited that a squeal or two actually escaped my mouth!. Le sigh~~ This must be the longest crush I've ever had...

Despite you being quite short, quite idiotic, a huge crybaby, clingy, bulliable, gullible, dorky, me not fitting into the description of your ideal type at all, plain weird, pushy, and xiao qi at times, I still can't get over you. Why?

BAM! Oh, that's why. @_@

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone, with love from our dearest Fishy. =)

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