Sunday, May 31, 2009

The saga continues..

So this is the 4th instalment of "The Chronicles of My Bad Mood" saga. One would be wondering what could be wrong now since I got home yesterday, spent time with lovely family and caught up with friends whom I haven't seen for ages.

Despite the super long journey home (delayed bus and traffic jam), pimples which pop out like volcanoes, and the lousy exam result which I barely scraped through, I was still happy and glad just to be home. Until this afternoon.

You see, I went for a haircut a few hours earlier. Now, some of you out there might've known already my trips to the salon usually ends up in disastrous outcome, save for a few rare ones (Ideas). So, nothing new and I should have expected this right?

But come on. How difficult isit to just give a person a bob cut like this.

Just have to cut it straight across the whole hair length right?
My hairstylist (It's out of courtesy I did not call him a hair-cutter) of the day was a rather cute young guy, with a hairstyle ala Kim Hyun Joong in infamous Korean F4 drama serious.

The current hottest hairstyle which is all the craze for Korean male celebrities.

I still think Jae Joong of DBSK wears it better though. There's no denying this guy's just HOT.

Back to the story. Judging by the cool hairstyle and nice dressing sense that guy has, I thought he would give me a decent hairstyle. Or at least something close to what I want.

Here's how our conversation goes.

Kim Hyun Joong-Wannabe (KHJW): What haircut you want?

Me: Something like a bob. Cut straight behind and I want the sides to be long though. Not too layered.

KHJW: You want something like your current hairstyle?

Me: I want the behind to be shorter and less layered, so it's more like a bob.

KHJW: You had a bob last time?

Me: Not really.

KHJW: Ok. So this is what I'll do..(proceeds to "explain" whatever he's going to do to my hair)

10 min later.

KHJW: This portion (refer to the back part) is rather thick. I'll try to thin it as much as I can.

Me: Er, I don't want it to be too thin. I prefer it "pong" anyway.

KHJW: Ok. (proceeds to thin my hair anyway)

Me: Er, don't shave too much off ok? Cause I prefer it to be "pong" and I still wanna tie it sometimes.

KHJW: Ya, sure. Too thin will make your hair very frizzy when you tie it. (still continuing to thin off my hair though)

Me: -_-" (decided to trust his proffesionalism).

KHJW: How you want your fringe to be?

Me: Below the brows, I want it to be swept to the side though.

KHJW: OK. (Snips of a LARGE portion. Tries damn hard to make it right but it's too late.)

KHJW: Errr, I don't think your fringe can cut any shorter liao, cause they will become "qiao".

Me: "Bloody hell, then why snip off so much in the beginning????!!!". Alright. Just leave it. I'll fix it later.

KHJW: I try to blow-dry for you first. (Proceeds to blow-dry and comb frantically but of course to no avail).

Me: It's ok la. I'll wash them later and see how.

KHJW: Alright. (Thin off more hair from the right side.)

Me: -________-""""

KHJW: We're done. (Brings a mirror and justifies whatever "creation" he has made)

Me: (Too tired to argue.) Ok, can I pay now?

The end product is something so totally different from what I've wanted and described. I've got a short bang instead of a side swept one, VERY layered hair, and totally not a bob. In short, it's the typical Muarian Ah Lian's cut which most of the "hairstylist" in Muar so hell-bent on giving me. I swear it's a conspiracy between them. Would have argued with him if it weren't for I wasn't feeling too well then.

Which makes me wonder. Is it my communication ability or their understanding ability. And I could almost swear they are all trained from the same academy. The watever theory of haircut they cited to me sounds almost identical, word to word. Bloody academy. Never teach how to access different people with different needs though.

Mum did not make it any better by keep telling me it's like no different, except for the bang which is ugly. She kept saying I should crop it shorter like what Rui En had in the "School Daze" drama (somehow she thinks I resemble her a bit).

On days which I'm ugly, fat and pimply, I would toss my hair for a bit, and would smile because at least I still have gorgeous hair.

Now that I'm ugly, fat and pimply, whenever I toss my hair I want nothing more than to hide under a rock. Or perhaps I could don a school pinafore, go back to school and try to blend in as one of the Muarian Ah-Lians.

In case you are wondering how bad it is, here's a preview.

Guess it's karma for laughing at those hideous extensions.

"Just remember this. Hair grows, hair grows." - Sabrina in Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

More than 5.5.

Work sucks. I need a higher-paying job.

The current employer is milking my effort more than the $5.5/hr they are paying me. Lousy place has lousy transport accessebility too. It bloody took me 45 min to travel there when the place is less than a 10 min drive away only. On some bloody sunny day, I've to spent 20 min waiting for the stupid bus to come and therefore, arrived late to work. Sienz..

Current jobscope include smiling sacharinely sweet at customers, being yes-man to the supervisor and senior, lending my strength as a kuli, sweating it out in the store-room which has non-existant air circulation, countless of counting worse than counting unhatched chicken eggs, and being the supervisors lunch-mate occasionally. Tell me I am so worth more than $5.5/hr. Freak.

The only upside of the job is they tend to break and off for work right on the dot of time. And time tends to go by a little faster when there is work to do. And the colleagues are rather nice people (despite being so naggy sometimes that it irks the hell out of me!). Ok. But that's still not worth $5.5!

God save me. Dumping a few $k's in front of my doorsteps will help. Or a super rich, hot and nice guy will do too.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

When I Turned 22..

When I turned 22, I felt like an extra big idiot.


I started my day by being duped by a stupid old trick. AGAIN.

I picked out a lousy restaurant to dine in again knowing the food sucks. AGAIN.

I went running and sprained my ankle just like that. AGAIN!

Someone please tell me that this is completely normal and there's a scientific explanation for one's brain to totally rot when they turn 22 or something.

Until then, excuse me while I go squat at one corner and grow some mushrooms.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


I can't believe this. I actually fell for it TWICE!!!


What a waste of time. Precious time. And MONEY!

But what can I do? Like they say, "Fool you once, shame on me. Fool you twice, shame on YOU."
Le sigh. I'm the biggest fool on the earth.

The big two-two sucks. Shokudo sucks.

I so need new shoes. And I need money for that. And I so need a job for that.
Geez. If only there's unemployment benefit in this country.

Somehow, Birthdays are more often than not especially horrible for me.
Like I said before, I hate birthdays..

Friday, May 22, 2009

Random Updates.

I would have write a long long post, but I'm damn tired to do that now. So just short random updates.

1. Finally got my new pair of running shoes. Adidas at $79. Damn well worth the price cos they are so comfy to run in. =)

2. Work still sucks. Lots of "sai gang's" and the pay sucks. The only upside is the time pass by a bit quicker when there's work. And colleagues are ok-lah, so far. =(

3. Went to the premier screening of "Monster vs Alien" with Lyd. Her treat coz she got these free tickets from her company. Cool experince coz it's in 3-D. Oh, there's free drinks and popcorn too. Thanks, dearie! =)

4. The new Giordano "Cheer You Up" shirt is uber CUTE! I've been wanting one since I saw this pic of Jang Dong-gun and Yoo Jae-suk wearing it.

Most of you will probably recognise Jang as the uber handsome guy from the drama "All About Eve". Yoo is the top MC in Korea, and one half of my favourite cast in "Family Outing".

$15 for a T-shirt is a bit too much though. So I shall wait till Bugis come out with the ciplak version. Hopefully there's my size. Le sigh~~

5. It's finally 12am. I've a job interview tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Signing off now. Hopefully there's no need to say hello to a shitty two two.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Putting 2 and 2 together.

Life is pretty damn boring right now. It's like that when you have no $$ to spend. Shucks to the max..

I'm turning 22 in a week's time. Looks like I'll be spending another lonely birthday here this year. How exciting is that? All prime and legal at 22 and spending your birthday coop up in that tiny dark room with only your laptop all day as your companion? Yay. How great. -___-"""

Probably have to work too.

So, when I turn 22 I shall be lonely, sad, penniless, fat and pimply with horrendously overgrown hair. What? At least that way my "wishlist" could be fulfilled rite?

Like I said before, I hate birthdays...

P/S: Ok, worse come to worst, I shall just blast Big Bang from my mp3 (yes, I'm still using that pathetic but faithful stone) and boogie to it.

PP/S: Isn't it weird that the messages can't stop coming in on the phone and msn during the exam period but dead quiet now that the exam's over? What the bleach..

Sunday, May 10, 2009

A tribute to mum.

Dear Mum,

I know you might never have a chance to read this. But I would still love to dedicate this post to you. Who knows, you might just pick up English and computer well enough to be able to read this post one day?

Today is Mother's Day. This year, we weren't able to celebrate it together. But as long as you like, everyday would be Mother's Day.

Thank you all these years for all the things you've done for us. I couldn't thank you enough but these are some of the lovable things about you that I've listed out:

1. You are a wonderful cook. Past, and present.
Although your culinary skill has mellowed significantly, I'll still shove down anything you cook gladly because those food had a special ingredient in them which I can never find them anywhere else; your love.

2. You are a strong an independent woman.
Anyone who knows you well enough would agree with this. There's just no suitable word to describe how much you've done for us since Ah Pa fell sick. You did not only keep the family going, but you've managed to take good care of Ah Pa until the very last moment. Even the doctors themselves have said that what you've done could be considered a miracle. 9 years. That's the number of years you did not have a single night of sound sleep, scrimping every single cent you can and working tirelesslly just to give us a family. As a result, your youthful appearance turn haggard and your body ached frequently as a form of protest. What's more amazing is that, against all odds, you made sure to provide the 4 of us with the best education and managed to brought us up to what we are today. Single-handedly.

3. You are a "cool" mum.
Despite being not well-versed in English, you love to watch all those latest "ang-moh" movies and shows. Although you might not know their titles, you would still tell me about the show where people trying to run from the prison, 4 gossip-loving aunties, the lady who can talk to ghost, and a random plane crash on a deserted island. You love trips to cinema too, to catch the hottest blockbuster movies in town. And then you couldn't stop Yue from obsessing with her animes. What to do? You join her. You've no idea how amused I am everytime you mimicked a character from those animes. Some of the best ones including Kon and Nel from Bleach. Oh, and your rap version of Jay Chou's "ye ye pao de cha" is a classic.

4. You goof and joke around with us, no matter how silly we are.
I don't know anyone else my age who can "babytalk" with their mum. Poker and mahjong sessions are always filled with interesting moments thanks to your random-ness. The one time where you yelled at Yue and I for addressing ourselves with the term "Lao Niang" is most hillarious. According to you we can't use Lao Niang in front of the REAL "Lao Niang". LMAO! I acted like a dork sometimes just to make you laugh. But you acted dorkier in return sometimes just so I don't seem like a loony girl. Laughter is the thing that our home will never run out of, no matter how down we might be.

5. You never stop caring and worrying for us.
You might not wear worry on your face, but I know deep down you care much more than anyone of us. Whenever we got sick or into some other trouble (like saman) you would nag for what seems like eternity that it's our fault for not being careful enough. But then, you would still go to the trouble of cooking us herbal tea or "negotiating" with the authorities to settle the saman at a lower price. Oh, your "negotiation" skill is first-class.

The list could go on forever and ever but I couldn't put the rest into better word for now. In short, you are the best mum that I could ever ask for. Although you might not be perfect, but you still try to do things the best you can in your own unique ways. And because of that, I am who I am right now.

This computer can't type in chinese but I would like to say this in our own unique way to; I love you "duo duo", Mum. And I know you love me even more "duo duo".

Happy Mother's Day, Mum. =D

Love from your most favourite "Dunlop Pillow",

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Crowning Glory.


You have been warned. So press the back button on the top left corner of your window screen now before it's too late. Should you choose to proceed until here, that means you understood that you are fully liable for the own risk you are taking to continue reading this post
Ok. Here we go.
The big question -such an important life-changing decision- "Should I cut my hair or keep it long?". I'm sure most of the female population are faced with this super difficult question to tackle before. Why? Hair is a person's crowning glory. Hair determines a person. And especially for people who are not lucky enough to born with a face of an angle, like me, hair is the most crucial element which can make or break a person.
I've been having short hair for about 2 years now and recently I've decided to keep them long again. But then, I stumbled upon Sunye's(of Wondergirls' fame) short crop and I couldn't stop thinking about it since.
Sunye had long hair before and it was just blah.

Blah looking hair

But ever since she chopped off that long tress of hers, she transformed into a HOT SEXY MAMA!

Now that girl can croon "I'm so HOTTT" perfectly with that new hairstyle.

Yaya, I know the bob's a bit off-fashion already now but who cares! I think this is one versatile style that I can actually work with. But then, it is provided I manage to lose like 5 kg before that to avoid looking like a giant pig-ass with a tiny head, which I shall be working my ass off to lose those kg's during this vacation.

Mum has been telling me to keep it short too, and that I look better with short hair. I've actually heard a few other people commented before that I look younger with short hair too. I myself realise that long hair makes me look like any other common girl down the street.

But why oh why then, did I garner more attention when my hair was longer? Ok. perhaps that's because of my post gollumn-face braces day. Besides, all the short crops that I've had before this wasn't exactly wonderful (because I had to get them at cheap salon because I was broke).

And then, there's the fact also I would love to have a long, wavy, sexy tress for once.

Who wouldn't love gorgeous hair like this?

Although I'm not sure yet whether I can pull it off, personality-wise and everything. But with the rate of my hair's growth nowadays, I shall be able to have them by the time I am 25. Or more. T_T

Long hair's so much more of a pain to maintain too. And expensive $$.

Gah!! And the worst thing is I'm now at the fork of a road. My hair length is neither long or short, somewhere in between. Should I choose to cut it short, it may take years before it'll grow back long again. Should I choose to keep it long, it might take another year or two too, and I've to put up with the yucky mess of a mop before it finally reach a nice length. And should I think that long hair is afterall not suitable on me then and decided to chop it off, wouldn't that makes me go one big-a** round of a joke? -___-"""""

Oh god. Why is this so difficult? And shouldn't I be studying for my final paper now?

And should you actually read all the way until here, will you please leave a comment and let me know what you think? Long hair or short hair. Please vote.

And then, I have to think about the length of my fringe also...


Singing "So Hot" aloud in the study room.

It's freaking hot again.

And now I'm in the study room. All alone.

The whole big-a** study room just for myself?

Yeah, that's because everyone else has finished their exam.


One more day to go. And I shall bear with it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

A letter to the one above..

Dear Pa,

It was exactly a week before my 18th-birthday, when you left us.
It shouldn't be unexpected, in fact it was speculated years ago, but it still came as a shock when you left so suddenly.
It was the most horrible day in my life, for I decided to "play nice" and not bring my handphone to school.

Ahmah left to join Ah Gong and you a couple of years ago too. I wonder how are you all doing? There were 3 chairs being set up during the offering ritual today, as oppossed to the usual 1. I'm glad that at least you weren't eating alone now.

Today, it is already 4 years since you left us (according to the Lunar Calendar anyway). We are all doing fine now, despite some occasional obstacles that we were met with. But amidst our hustling and bustling lives, never once did I forget you. Sometimes, I would still see you in my dreams and woke up thinking you are still with us. Sometimes, it was like you never left us at all.
I hope that you are doing well wherever you are. And if you are watching us somewhere up there, I hope you'll be wearing a smile on your face too. Just like the potrait of a jolly chubby middle-aged man smiling so kindly which is hanging in the living room at home.

I will always love you, Pa. =)

From your fattest and funniest daughter,
Ah Xin.