I would have write a long long post, but I'm damn tired to do that now. So just short random updates.
1. Finally got my new pair of running shoes. Adidas at $79. Damn well worth the price cos they are so comfy to run in. =)
2. Work still sucks. Lots of "sai gang's" and the pay sucks. The only upside is the time pass by a bit quicker when there's work. And colleagues are ok-lah, so far. =(
3. Went to the premier screening of "Monster vs Alien" with Lyd. Her treat coz she got these free tickets from her company. Cool experince coz it's in 3-D. Oh, there's free drinks and popcorn too. Thanks, dearie! =)
4. The new Giordano "Cheer You Up" shirt is uber CUTE! I've been wanting one since I saw this pic of Jang Dong-gun and Yoo Jae-suk wearing it.

Most of you will probably recognise Jang as the uber handsome guy from the drama "All About Eve". Yoo is the top MC in Korea, and one half of my favourite cast in "Family Outing".
$15 for a T-shirt is a bit too much though. So I shall wait till Bugis come out with the ciplak version. Hopefully there's my size. Le sigh~~
5. It's finally 12am. I've a job interview tomorrow. Wish me luck.
Signing off now. Hopefully there's no need to say hello to a shitty two two.
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