Back to the story. Judging by the cool hairstyle and nice dressing sense that guy has, I thought he would give me a decent hairstyle. Or at least something close to what I want.
Here's how our conversation goes.
Kim Hyun Joong-Wannabe (KHJW): What haircut you want?
Me: Something like a bob. Cut straight behind and I want the sides to be long though. Not too layered.
KHJW: You want something like your current hairstyle?
Me: I want the behind to be shorter and less layered, so it's more like a bob.
KHJW: You had a bob last time?
Me: Not really.
KHJW: Ok. So this is what I'll do..(proceeds to "explain" whatever he's going to do to my hair)
10 min later.
KHJW: This portion (refer to the back part) is rather thick. I'll try to thin it as much as I can.
Me: Er, I don't want it to be too thin. I prefer it "pong" anyway.
KHJW: Ok. (proceeds to thin my hair anyway)
Me: Er, don't shave too much off ok? Cause I prefer it to be "pong" and I still wanna tie it sometimes.
KHJW: Ya, sure. Too thin will make your hair very frizzy when you tie it. (still continuing to thin off my hair though)
Me: -_-" (decided to trust his proffesionalism).
KHJW: How you want your fringe to be?
Me: Below the brows, I want it to be swept to the side though.
KHJW: OK. (Snips of a LARGE portion. Tries damn hard to make it right but it's too late.)
KHJW: Errr, I don't think your fringe can cut any shorter liao, cause they will become "qiao".
Me: "Bloody hell, then why snip off so much in the beginning????!!!". Alright. Just leave it. I'll fix it later.
KHJW: I try to blow-dry for you first. (Proceeds to blow-dry and comb frantically but of course to no avail).
Me: It's ok la. I'll wash them later and see how.
KHJW: Alright. (Thin off more hair from the right side.)
Me: -________-""""KHJW: We're done. (Brings a mirror and justifies whatever "creation" he has made)
Me: (Too tired to argue.) Ok, can I pay now?
The end product is something so totally different from what I've wanted and described. I've got a short bang instead of a side swept one, VERY layered hair, and totally not a bob. In short, it's the typical Muarian Ah Lian's cut which most of the "hairstylist" in Muar so hell-bent on giving me. I swear it's a conspiracy between them. Would have argued with him if it weren't for I wasn't feeling too well then.
Which makes me wonder. Is it my communication ability or their understanding ability. And I could almost swear they are all trained from the same academy. The watever theory of haircut they cited to me sounds almost identical, word to word. Bloody academy. Never teach how to access different people with different needs though.
Mum did not make it any better by keep telling me it's like no different, except for the bang which is ugly. She kept saying I should crop it shorter like what Rui En had in the "School Daze" drama (somehow she thinks I resemble her a bit).
On days which I'm ugly, fat and pimply, I would toss my hair for a bit, and would smile because at least I still have gorgeous hair.
Now that I'm ugly, fat and pimply, whenever I toss my hair I want nothing more than to hide under a rock. Or perhaps I could don a school pinafore, go back to school and try to blend in as one of the Muarian Ah-Lians.
In case you are wondering how bad it is, here's a preview.
Guess it's karma for laughing at those hideous extensions.
"Just remember this. Hair grows, hair grows." - Sabrina in Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
omg i am so sorry but i just LOL-ed when i read your post and especially when i saw the last photo. HAHAHAHAHA.
eh cheer up lah. yes, HAIR GROWS! or get extensions? kekeke.
hey try bringing them a photo next time so that those fucktards can SEE what you want. kekeke. cheer up!
okie...bear that in mind..ur hair will grow back:)
chareli> I act did that last time. Showed a pic to the hairdresser. She ended up giving me a toilet bowl cut instead and I had to get it cut again else where. That was the time when I chop off my long mane. And that was how I ended up having that spiky short do instead.
Stupid fucktards. I still remember that woman's May from Equal. Haha.
You sure do lol-ed a lot at my plights hor..-_-"
airin> I went to bed each night praying that my hair will grow fast!
i LOL-ed too
sorry, your post is too funny??
should i say funny?
not that i don't pity you
i'm sure it's not that bad
where did you get your hair cut?
i will never go to that place
sorry lah! i really cannot help it. you have this inate ability to bring forth your plights in the most humorous ways imagined! AHHAHAHAHA. maybe you should start writing comedy. comedy for misery. HAHA. ok. maybe too much HAHAs. wow. that really sucks man. how about trying your friends' hairdressers instead?
I CANNOT BELIEVE THEIR EYES ARE SO LOUYA AS TO NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THE PHOTO IS SHOWING. or maybe they pretend that they do know when they do not and try to cut what they think it is and hence all TOILET BOWL HAIRCUTS.
Haha. It's ok la. I try to make it sound funny too or else my blog will be a dark gloomy place instead. So I'm act glad that my post made you all laugh. Comments are vr vr welcome.
hianshynn> I got it cut at Equal, the ultimate La-La Land(according to chareli). So not going there again..=(
chareli> Eh, I act did asked the girls a few times where they usually got their haircut. But then, I din really get a proper answer I think? Shite.. I think I'll make a better hairdresser than those lousy lala-s.
I'll upload one soon.
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