Thursday, August 13, 2009

More random updates.

There are loads and loads that I wanna write about. But then, the combination of "sien-ness" and some page layout problem hinder all of them from being post up here. Sighs..

So here's a rather short and unorganised summary:

Interesting incident of meeting a Japanese lady at work.

Fun Sentosa outing with err... half-collegues.

Plans of exciting stuffs to do in Korea. Including checking out some plastic clinics.

Mad dash back from Sg during National Day Eve.

An inspiring story of an unconventional love story. (Gah, my grammar!)

An interesting family day out which involves bee stings, cow in the middle of a highway, and a mad-stunt-pulling-motor-cyclist.

A short meet up with Shi Hui and Yi Ling, which Yi Ling definitely made a lot of effort for.

So, till I figure out how to put my layouts right again, and get off my lazy ass to write out those above-mentioned stuff, here's a treat to all those who still bothers to stop by on this page.

Everyone say helloooo to the cutest thing ever next to a meerkat. ^___^