Friday, February 13, 2009

Too much to hold...

Shit. Isit just me? Why is everyone very stress and panicking now? It has never been like this before, where everywhere you go you either see a tired, shag, or slightly manic face around.

I am so panicking on my own too. What with the number of practices and rehearses added to my previous list of things-to-do next week. I still havn't gotten hold of Measurement, Cost Estimating, M&E, and Research Method too. I only have a slight idea on Material Tech because I'll be having the 20% mid-term next week.

But I don't walk around looking like someone who's about to go mad anytime, right? Or maybe I do. Better go check the mirrors....

Anyway, I realised everyone in my course has already started studying and doing their homework. Heck, even people like James is doing his tutorial and studying properly. I'm still grasping around at thin air like it is still holiday. Not doing my tutorial, not even knowing what on earth the lectures are all about.

I really hare myself now for taking up too many things for my poor hands to hold. Things are slipping through my grasp one-by-one despite me trying desperately to hold on to them tight.

I want to runaway. But where can I go? Won't I just end up in a deeper pile of shit if I do?

I should be studying now. But I really can't concentrate with a state of mind like this.

How I wish I have Dumbledore's pensieve to discard some worries off my head now...

Edit: I have a confession to make. A certain him is occupying my thoughts for a little currently. But like I said, I have too much going on up there for more of that.

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